Thursday, July 31, 2014

How To Survive An Existential Crisis

I am experiencing what people in the first world commonly call an existential crisis. I am simply existing, living without meaning. Just going through the motions. And I'm disenchanted by it all - my job, my friends, my city, my future plans (or lack thereof)...

My all-time favorite blogger, Sarah at Yes and Yes, once wrote about the effectiveness of (literally) writing yourself a prescription for happiness. Her idea was based off of a 2009 study that showed that people are more likely to stick to a diet or exercise plan if their doctor actually pulls out a prescription pad and pen and writes out a detailed plan, rather than simply saying, You need to eat healthy and exercise. So she wrote herself a prescription for happiness, including action items like spending time outdoors and buying expensive out-of-season fruit every once in a while.

Anyway, Sarah reminded her readers of the original post this week, and, well, the timing was nothing short of magical for me.

I'll be celebrating (?) my 28th birthday on August 29th. I've been desperate for a pick-me-up. And now I have a plan!

Below I've outlined my own prescription for happiness, and I'll spend the month of August following through. First I wrote out the prescription itself, and then below each item, in bold, I filled in my specific plan. I may or may not blog about it as I go, but I am committed to recapping my experience at the end of the month, at a minimum.
  1. Plan a vacation. Escape, literally. Even if it's just for a few days. And make it something relaxing, not busy. This is probably not the time to plan a ten-day, seven-city European excursion (but if that sounds great and you can afford it, go for it!).

    This plan is not 100% set in stone yet, but I believe I'm escaping to the Smoky Mountains, with my siblings and niece/nephew, to celebrate my birthday. Perfection.
  2. Update my resume. At first I thought maybe this action item is just specific to me because I'm unhappy at work, but after some reflection, I've decided it's a good practice for anyone who hasn't touched their resume in years and is looking for a confidence boost.

    I will update my resume. Which means I'll mostly be adding things to it. Exciting!
  3. Exercise daily. Because I really regret that workout, said no one ever. (Insert any cheesy line about exercise and endorphins here.) I know it will make me feel better in the short term and also reveal some long-term results.

    This one is a bit bold, but I'm an all-or-nothing kind of gal when it comes to working out. I will exercise Every. Single. Day. during the month of August.
  4. Clean and purge. I don't know about you, but having lots of stuff makes me feel unorganized and chaotic. So let's clean our homes. And trash/recycle/give away stuff we don't need or use.

    This Saturday, folks. It's on.
  5. Read a new book, or watch a new (to you) television series. Another means of escape, I guess. It just sounded like a fresh idea.

    Instead of watching New Girl or The Mindy Project from start to finish again, I'll investigate a new TV series. And read a few books.
  6. Appreciate the little things. Sometimes I neglect the little things that make me happy because I'm too busy/lazy/whatever. Like ignoring a beautiful sunset because I'm watching sitcom reruns on Netflix. Or cooking dinner in silence instead of playing my favorite music or listening to NPR because I'm lazy. Or not buying a $3 Starbucks beverage that would cheer me up because I'm cheap.

    This month, I will watch the sun set. And I'll play music while I cook. And I'll buy the $3 latte, damnit.

What would be on your prescription for happiness?

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